TeamSkeet – OyeLoca – Sienna West – New Uruguayan Bride

It was Friday and I was with Mario. We were about to see if we could bag a nice Latina at the supermarket. No luck.

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So we were going to hit up blockbuster but as we were planning our attack outside we saw a nice Latina leaving. She was wearing a Uruguay hat… I’m from Uruguay so I felt like I had no choice but to get this chick to come home with us. It was my patriotic duty. So we followed her around this parking lot and got her to come over. I think she was a little shy and maybe annoyed at first. She wanted to know what we were doing and what we wanted. So I explained to her that we were working on a reality show. She seemed to buy it. She said her best friend was coming to pick her up and we told her to call them up and tell them that we were going to drop her off. She finally agreed and we took her with us. She told us she was here to maybe find a husband and workout her papers.

Era viernes y estaba con Mario. Estábamos a punto de ver si podíamos empaquetar a una buena latina en el supermercado. Sin suerte. Así que íbamos a atacar un éxito de taquilla, pero cuando estábamos planeando nuestro ataque afuera, vimos a una buena latina irse. Ella llevaba un gorro de Uruguay … Soy de Uruguay, así que sentí que no tenía más remedio que conseguir que esta chica viniera a casa con nosotros. Era mi deber patriótico. Así que la seguimos por este estacionamiento y la hicimos venir. Creo que ella era un poco tímida y tal vez molesta al principio. Quería saber qué estábamos haciendo y qué queríamos. Así que le expliqué que estábamos trabajando en un reality show. Ella parecía comprarlo. Ella dijo que su mejor amiga venía a buscarla y le dijimos que los llamara y les dijera que íbamos a dejarla. Ella finalmente estuvo de acuerdo y la llevamos con nosotros. Ella nos dijo que estaba aquí para encontrar un marido y entrenar sus papeles.

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